ZENiFUL Coaching
peace | insight | fulfillment
Zeniful Mindset Model
Conscious 'Thinking Mind'
Subconscious 'Habit Mind'


What you think and believe is how you choose to live your LIFE

Conscious vs Subconscious Mind
Consciousness, at its simplicity, is an awareness of our internal and external existence

Your Conscious Mind is your THINKING Mind
it uses critical and logical thinking to analyze, reason and form judgements
it uses willpower to control your thoughts, feeling and actions
it can set goals, plan and organize
Your Subconscious Mind is your HABIT mind ​
it is not capable of reasoning or judging - it is creative, imaginative and intuitive
it is the hard drive of your brain and stores your programs, perceptions and memories
it operates on autopilot - running our beliefs, emotions and behavioural patterns
The Subconscious Mind is in the driver seat and has control. The Conscious Mind is in the passenger seat but has the ability to navigate the Subconscious Mind to arrive at a new destination.

Thoughts vs Beliefs

Everyday, our minds are filled with thousands of thoughts.
The THOUGHTS that hold the most power over you are the ones that you BELIEVE to be true.
A THOUGHT is a conscious suggestion​​
it does not create your circumstance
your thoughts are associated to your feelings - the more intense your feelings, the stronger your thoughts
negative thoughts deplete your energy while positive thoughts empower you to believe that anything is possible
A BELIEF is a thought ​you consider to be true
it is your compass on how you view and navigate the world
your core beliefs are generally formed at an early age and they are influenced by your family , experiences, and environment
you can change your limiting beliefs to become empowering beliefs
Empowering thoughts and beliefs energize you to what is possible.
Limiting thoughts and beliefs will keep you stuck and prevent you from achieving what you truly want
Feelings vs Emotions
FEELINGS are the integration and intensity of mixed EMOTIONS

FEELINGS ​are generated from our mind and heart
feelings are experienced through our senses - sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste
both positive and negative emotions are important. It depends on whether they serve you.
there are over 33,000 feelings - you can choose how you want to feel by understanding, processing and accepting your core emotions
EMOTIONS are physical responses to the chemicals in our bodies and can be objectively measured by your body language, facial expression and blood flow
emotions are responses to a trigger or an event
evolutionary emotions are biologically hardwired to keep us safe (fight, flight, freeze)
there are 8 core emotions - fear, anger, sadness, joy, disgust, surprise, anticipation, trust (Plutchik Theory)
All feelings and emotions are important and is part of your human experience
Behaviours are a series and pattern of actions
Actions vs Behaviours

AN ACTION is a single instance of doing something to accomplish a goal
an action is a conscious decision. You choose to do something or choose not to do it
when you are experiencing positive feelings, you will act in a positive manner
when you are experiencing negative feelings, you will act in a negative manner
BEHAVIOURS are patterns or sequences of actions
survival behaviours are triggered by fight, flight or freeze responses
social behaviours are triggered by your need for acceptance, sense of belonging and love
there are 4 types of behaviours: optimistic, pessimistic, trusting and envious
An effective way to change your actions is to change your thoughts.
An effective way to change your behaviours is to change your Subconscious beliefs.
Outcomes vs Habits

Outcomes are your Conscious Mind making choices
Habits are your Subconscious Mind running your programs and patterns
OUTCOMES are consequences from the choices and decisions you make or avoid​
your Conscious Mind is your Thinking Mind
the way you think, feel and act will create the results​ in your life
results can be achieved through willpower until your energy is depleted and your belief system is challenged and that is when you begin to sabotage your achievements and successes
HABITS are repeated behaviours that involuntary require little or no thought​
your SubConscious Mind is your Habit Mind
habits are learned and not innate and can be developed and changed through repetition
a powerful and effective method to change the programs of our Subconscious Mind is to re-wire our beliefs and patterns that run our life
Habits are driven by your Subconscious Mind and when you are living on autopilot
With your Conscious Mind, you can choose to create different outcomes - through repetition and practice, your new results will become your new habits