ZENiFUL Coaching
peace | insight | fulfillment
Zeniful's Life Perspectives
is about looking at your whole life.
You become self-aware of how you are showing up in your LIFE,
how you are treating yourself, your loved ones and everyone else
is connecting
with people
is finding
is permission
to play
is aligning your mind and body
What kind of loving relationships are you creating?

Love is something you nurture and grow. It is the connection
you cultivate within yourself and with the people in your life
Do you feel stuck in a groove like a broken record - skipping, spinning and repeating old patterns? Do you sometimes feel frustrated, a little angry for not being understood, seen or heard?
Imagine ...
being more joyful in your relationships with your partner, family and friends
creating memories, laughing more and having fun
cherishing and feeling grateful for what you do have
Transform your relationships
Are you ready
to create engaging connections with the people in your life?
What fulfils you and creates meaning in your life?

IDENTITY is about discovering who you are and what really matters
to you. Its about growing into the person you want to be
Do you feel a little lost, unsure of the direction of where you are heading? Do you feel a little stuck, wishing there was more but don't know where to start?
Imagine ...
going on a journey and exploring what makes you feel fully alive
being curious and open about how you want to be show up in your life
doing what ignites joy and excitement
Discover what matters
Are you ready
for inspiration, clarity on the
life you want to live?
What does financial freedom mean to you?

FREEDOM is about taking control over your career and finances and giving yourself permission to play, have fun and enjoy your life on your terms
Do you feel stressed, anxious or unsatisfied with where you are in your career? Do you worry about how much money is enough or simply dread thinking about your financial future or retirement?
Imagine ...
starting each day going into work feeling energize and knowing that you add value
feeling the power of choice and attracting abundance and security
give yourself permission to fully enjoy making, saving and spending money
Take control and have fun
Are you ready?
to identify how your unconscious bias is holding you back
What do you do to recharge your mind and body?

ENERGY is about noticing the relationship between your mind and your body.
How your thoughts create emotions and how your emotions energizes or deletes you
Do you feel tried and depleted all the time? Is your mind overactive spiralling out of control creating a sense of overwhelm? Do you crave more energy, more balance and more "me" time to refuel and recharge your body and mind.
Imagine ...
taming your over active mind and freeing your from distractions
waking up day energized and focused
finding energy, inner peace and self-acceptance
Spark renewed
Are you ready
to start each day energized and focused?